Friday, July 4, 2008

No, YOU smell

The next time you hear someone comment on how smelly some animal is, ask them this:

"And just how great do you think you'd smell if you were stuck in a cage/building/enclosure that is too small/has bad air circulation/is nothing like your natural habitat and forces to live in a pool of your own excrement without access to daily showers, deodorant, or perfumed products?"

My bet is that they'd be pretty damn smelly too. In fact, in my experience, people who do not use deodorant, never mind all the other factors, can work up a stench that would leave me running for the gorilla building, elephant enclosure, or pig pen any day!

After six months without a bath, my dog barely has a scent, I certainly couldn't say the same for any human.

And how often do you notice the stench of a wild animal? I'd bet not often, because they don't really tend to be that smelly. It is our fault that non-humans seem smelly. We're the ones that put them in dirty situations without a standard of care that would give them conditions comparable to living in the wild.

1 comment:

Slayermel said...

hear hear to that!!!!
Nicely put :0)