Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dear Asshole Company:

"In reviewing my credit card statements, I have just now come to realize that "Shopping Essentials" has been fraudulently charging my credit card $9.95 per month since I placed an order with several months ago.

Since I did not enroll in the Shopping Essentials program, nor did I give them any personal information (credit card account number, or otherwise), I can only deduce that you,, gave it to them without my knowledge, authorization or consent. A call to "Shopping Essentials" confirmed that I was (unknowingly) "enrolled" in their program after placing an order at

I reviewed your Privacy statement and no where does it state that you give/sell customer information (specifically credit card account numbers) to third parties.

A quick search of the internets reveals that many people have fallen victim to fraud at the hands of "Shopping Essentials" after visiting Surely I am not the first customer you have heard from regarding this specific matter, which can only mean one thing: you have chosen to continue your affiliation with "Shopping Essentials", in spite of the complaints.

I am writing to you today to let you know that I will no longer be purchasing anything from, and I have already begun warning friends and family, by the hundreds, about your company's unethical practices."

Yes, this is a copy of an e-mail I sent yesterday. If you Google "Shopping Essentials", I'd guess 95% of the links you'll get back have it paired with words like "scam", "fraud", "unauthorized billing", etc...

I was fortunate in that I managed to get *all* the charges reversed, but I'm still amazed that they haven't been shut down yet and brought up on charges.

The first thing I did was call the 1-800 # provided on my credit card statement, next to the mysterious charge. In order to continue, they ask for your account number. From what I've read, most people stop here because they didn't even know they had an account, and they're hesitant, as I was, to give their home phone number. Presssing '0' does not send you to an operator as you would expect, and it seems as though, without divulging any personal information (or the unknown account number), you can't actually get anywhere. I figured I'd just enter 123456789# to see if it would register as an error - and it did. That got me to a customer service rep. I explained that I did not authorize these charges and did not knowingly sign-up for their service. I told her I considered it fraud, that I had done my research and seen numerous complaints about the company, and that she needed to credit my account for ALL charges.

She told me that I had "signed up" when I purchased something from (back in December). I recall that after I placed that order, they offered me $20 off if I were to enroll in something-ruther, which I remember I *specifically* chose *not* to do. Regardless, they took all my information from the Potpourri order I placed and began charging my credit card.

She agreed to cancel my account (what account?!) and refund the last charge, but none of the other ones. I should have demanded to speak with a supervisor at that point, but I was so certain that they were not a legitimate company that I just told her I'd be contacting my credit card company and the BBB. And I did.

I explained the situation to my credit card company and they, in turn, explained everything to a rep from SE and asked to speak with a supervisor. For whatever reason, the credit card rep had to "release the line", so he put me on with the supervisor directly. He said he had spoken to my credit card rep and asked me to tell him, in my own words, I suppose, what I was asking for. Knowing that the "call may be monitored for quality assurance purposes" I explained the situation using terms like "unauthorized", "without my knowledge or consent" and "fraudulent billing" and I requested that he refund ALL the charges. And he agreed. I think that conversation may have gone a little differenly had I not involved the credit card company's fraud department.

I should mention that many online shopping sites reportedly use the same tactics as Potpourri. Beware when shopping with Travelocity, Vista Print and

Next stop, the BBB.


T-Ra said...


Subject: Shopping Essentials

To Whom It May Concern,

I have just heard from a friend about what she has termed your fraudulent relationship with Shopping Essentials. As she is a most trustworthy individual, I take every word she says as fact. As such, it is my belief that your company in association with Shopping Essentials is engaged in a scam involving the unauthorized disclosure of personal customer information including credit card account numbers. As a result of this scam, it is my belief that numerous people have had unauthorized charges appear on their accounts. The apparent depth of this scam can only indicate one thing to me, that you and Shopping Essentials are able to keep enough of the money obtained by the apparently fraudulently charged fees to make it worth while for you to continue with this scam despite the damage to your reputation.

I can also only assume that you are a company, run by people, with no conscience.

As such, I will NEVER shop from you and I will ensure that everyone I speak to knows not to shop with you either.

The worst I can hope for is that your business collapses. The best I can hope for is that whoever is responsible for this goes to jail.

Here's hoping you get what you deserve.


Emily RugBurn said...

@ T-Ra: Marry me!!

You are THE BEST!!

T-Ra said...

Well, I figured that even though a customer complaint is good, they kind of expect it. But how many companies get complaints from people who are friends of customers? I just wanted to show them that word of mouth does really have an effect!

Hmm, maybe that'll be my new thing. I'll write to companies I hear bad things about and tell them they suck.

Slayermel said...

Wow, I can't believe they had the nerve to keep charging your card Em!!!
The two of you are so great with words, both your letters sound amazing and are quite direct.
Job well done, and I thank you on behalf of the general public for bringing this to our attention. I will also never shop there, or at the other companies mentioned. :0)